If you haven’t already, please review how we run our CSA: pickup locations, start and end dates, and all other details before signing up. You can follow this link: Our CSA. Please also utilize the What is a CSA? and Is a CSA right for me? tabs to find the answers to these frequently-asked questions.

If you think our CSA is right for you (and we hope it is!), you commit to a share by signing a Member Agreement Form, available below. This contract is a way for us to communicate our promises to members, as well as let you know what we expect from you. Please double-check your answers (especially email spelling!) and hit “Submit” at the bottom of the form. We will include a detailed invoice for what is due upon signup, instructions for how to pay, and any payment plan dates and details. Please allow 2-3 business days for confirmation emails. Be sure to add us to your email contact list so newsletters don’t end up in your spam or promotions folder - this is important!

To sign up for a share with Green & Gold, please fill out this form. You will be emailed a personalized invoice and instructions to pay with a check or online once you have signed up. Thank you so much, we look forward to feeding you this year!