Varieties grown: Ailsa Craig, Cabernet, Cippollini, New York Early, Rossa Lunga di Tropea, Rossa di Milano

We try to grow a variety of onions for every season. We grow yellow summer and storage onions, red storage onions, and cipollini, as well as a delicious Italian red summer heirloom called Red Long of Tropea. Early-season and “spring” onions don’t store as well, so it’s best to use them as they start coming, but the storage varieties will last you 4-6 months.

How to use them:

  • In soups, stews, casseroles and stirfries

  • Raw, chopped or sliced, for salads and sandwiches

  • Caramelized onions make the base for French Onion Soup; they are also amazing in sandwiches

  • Quartered and roasted alongside carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, etc.