Above image from Bonnie Plants
Varieties grown: Gustus
Brussels sprouts are like miniature cabbages. Their flavor is nutty and sweet. This vegetable may have gotten a bad rap over time - this can often be attributed to preparation. Boiled sprouts are mushy and tasteless, but roasted ones taste sweet, crunchy and caramelized! They come once a year, so give them a try!
How to use them:
Roasted with garlic and ham, or balsamic reduction and proscuitto, or just olive oil
Steamed and served hot with butter
Sliced thinly and sautéed; sautéed shallots and red wine vinegar go well with this preparation
Brussels Sprouts tops are the top part of the plant that we remove during the season to allow the sprouts to ripen. They are similar to collard greens, but with a Brussels sprout flavor and much faster cooking time. Braise them, sauté them, or toss them into soup.
How to store them: In the refrigerator, inside a non-breathable container (plastic bag, glass or plastic storage tub, etc.).