golden and chioggia beets, roasted then sliced, ready to go on a spring salad.
Above image from getty images.
Varieties grown: Detroit Dark Red, Guardsmark Chioggia, Touchstone Gold, Red Ace
Harvested at their peak, beets are tender root vegetables that are flavorful and incredibly versatile. We try to harvest them as bunches with their greens attached (bonus food!). In the fall we often harvest a lot at a time for storage, and that’s when you might see them without their greens. We grow beets that are all different colors, not just red! Some people find that beets taste too earthy for them, these folks often appreciate golden and chioggia beets, as their flavor is more mild.
How to use them:
Chopped and roasted alone or with other root vegetables
Roasted whole, then sliced and served on salad or sandwiches
Grated raw into all types of salads
Lactofermented with rosemary and other herbs
Pickled with vinegar, sugar and spices; then canned for the winter
Juiced alone or with other vegetables
Grated as a base for your favorite veggie burgers, or anywhere grated carrots are used
Used to make chocolate beet cake
Saute the greens for a delicious alternative to spinach or swiss chard
Cook the greens and/or roots into soups, not limited to borscht
How to store them: In the refrigerator, inside a non-breathable container (plastic bag, glass or plastic storage tub, etc.). As with all fresh-bunched roots, cut the roots from the greens before storage, as the greens will steal water and nutrients from the roots during storage.